ZWEITE JUGEND Are Back With A New Single

The seasons progress inexorably. What was just a lush green turns first into a shining gold and finally into a deep red. Life was just at its zenith. Flocks of birds move south. Most of all, one would like to just follow them. It feels like the year is slowly and incessantly dying. But then there is the allure of acceptance. The air is getting cold, the nights are getting longer. Time is relative, it can appear entertaining or just boring. In the darkness we see another chance to take time for ourselves and to recognize ourselves. The universe holds up a mirror to us. It is the beginning of the decline of all life and all vitality. But there is also a kind of renewal in each end. A return to life is certain, but it will take a few months. Autumn is coming.
Zweite Jugend are back with a brand new single in autumn 2021. The "Herbstsonate" is the first harbinger of a new era, at least as far as the band is concerned. It is taken from the upcoming third album "Der Wille zur Nacht", which is currently in studio production. As a bonus, the band adds the instrumental B-side "Elegie an den Herbst".
The digital single will be available for streaming and download across all platforms on 05 November 2021.
01. Herbstsonate
02. Elegie an den Herbst (B-side)
This single is an exclusively download and streaming release.
As the band comments, the song will be promoted with videos. However this will look like, you are going to be informed right here.